
Micro Chinese medicine for polycystic kidney disease

Micro Chinese medicine for polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidneys distinguish two types of disease: Autosomal dominant type (ADPKP) and Autosomal recessive type (ARPKP). Today we are discussing treatment for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. If you have problems about the kidney, you can contact the Online Doctor!

General view of the ADPIC

ADPCC is the result of abnormal proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells that form cystic epithelial cells. These cells continuously secrete soot, so that the kidney cysts become more and more. For patients with ADPKP, a constant increase in kidney cysts is the biggest threat, as they take the place of the kidneys and replace the inherent tissues of kidney function.

What is micro Chinese medicine?

Micro Chinese medicine is called osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine. This is one therapy that completely destroys Chinese medicines, so that the effective ingredients of these medicines can quickly reach defeat. In addition, these medications are used outside, so they usually do not cause any side effect or discomfort.

How does micro Chinese medicine work for the ADPCP?

These drugs have three therapeutic effects for ADPK patients. First, it can help increase the permeability of the cystic walls and improve blood circulation throughout the body, so more fluid from the body can be excreted from the body through the circulation. Secondly, it can inactivate cystic epithelial cells, so it can effectively prevent the recurrence of the kidney cysts. Thanks to these two effects, the kidney cysts will be successfully removed without recurrence. Finally, this therapy has an effect on increased blood flow in the kidneys, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and degrading extracellular matrix, so it can help protect the tissues that function in the kidneys.

From the above analysis, we can know how micro-Chinese medicine works for the ADPCP. Now, this therapy is being used mature in the Shijiazhuang Nephropathy Hospital. If you have ADPCC, I hope you can be the next to get the above benefits. Our mail is asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707.

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